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Maintaining a shared commitment to a child’s education in divorce

On Behalf of | Feb 2, 2023 | Family Law

If you’re a parent who’s going to be divorcing this year, you’re likely concerned most about how your child will adjust to it Among other things, you may be worried about whether the divorce will affect your kids’ grades and overall educational achievement.   

Studies have shown that kids’ grades often drop, but that doesn’t have to be the case. One important way that parents can prevent this from happening is by both maintaining an interest in their child’s education and staying on top of things as much as always. We’re assuming here that you have shared custody of your child.

Some kids need a lot of supervision and reminders about reading assignments, homework, and studying for tests. Others are highly self-motivated. Either way, when their parents remain just as interested and involved as always, regardless of what they’re going through themselves, a child’s performance is less likely to suffer.

How to work together to keep your child’s education a priority

There are a number of things the two of you can do. For example:

  • Designating the same hours (or number of hours) for homework regardless of whose home they’re in
  • Agreeing on corrective or disciplinary measures if grades fall – and following through on them
  • Making sure the school has both parents’ contact information and that they share the same information with both of you
  • Attending parent-teacher meetings together (even if one of you needs to do it virtually)

While you may not feel comfortable sharing your personal business with people at school, it’s typically wise to let your child’s teacher, counselor, and other adults they’re close to at school (like coaches or extracurricular advisors) know about the divorce. This isn’t so they’ll give your child extra attention (which can be embarrassing and uncomfortable for them) but so they can be on the lookout for any concerning behavior or issues your child might not be exhibiting at home.

It can help to include some provisions around your child’s education in your parenting plan. Having sound legal guidance can help you work with your co-parent to keep your child’s education from suffering.