In many cases where two businesses are involved in an alleged breach of contract, it’s because products or services were never rendered. For instance, you might own a company and order a shipment from a supplier, providing payment in advance. But if the shipment never...

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Business Law
What is tortious interference with a business?
Most of the time, a business dispute involves another entity with whom you have an active relationship or contract – but not always. There are times when a third party will intentionally interfere with a business relationship between two entities. If this happens to...
4 remedies for anticipatory breach of contract
As a business owner, contracts are a critical part of managing operations and establishing clear expectations with partners, suppliers, or clients. However, situations may arise when the other party signals their inability to meet their obligations before the actual...
There are different ways to resolve a partnership dispute
For smaller companies, sole proprietorships may be a viable option. Nonetheless, for mid to large-scale businesses, there typically needs to be more than one partner. A business partnership can be a highly beneficial arrangement, as responsibilities and liabilities...
How to prevent contract disputes with your business partners
In the world of business, disputes over contracts are unfortunate yet common. Moreover, navigating the intricacies of contract disputes can be challenging. Whether you are a long-time or budding business owner, how can knowing the aspects of contract disputes be...
Why do some business partners fall out?
Running a company on your own can be a daunting task. You have to take all of the financial risks and then oversee the day-to-day running of the company. That’s why many business owners opt to enlist the assistance of a business partner. A business partnership can be...
Can you legally charge interest on overdue invoices in North Dakota?
If you are a business owner in North Dakota seeking to recover unpaid invoices, it is essential to understand the legal framework around charging interest on overdue payments. The North Dakota Century Code governs this area, specifying the requirements and limitations...
How the North Dakota civil courts help to enforce business contracts
Many businesses in North Dakota execute a variety of different contracts. From employment contracts that clarify how they will compensate and discipline employees to contracts with service providers that help them outsource certain work responsibilities, those...
How can businesses resolve a material breach of contract?
Business owners and executives frequently put a lot of effort into the terms of their contracts so that they limit their own liability while locking in certain elements that are necessary for predictable business operations. For example, employment contracts help...
What can you do when a client doesn’t pay an invoice?
Knowing how to handle clients who don’t pay can be one of the trickiest parts of running your own business. You’ve probably heard every excuse under the sun for why payment is running late or they might tell you that they simply aren’t going to pay you. Without a...