Photo of Nilson Brand Law attorneys
Photo of the attorneys at Nilson Brand Law.

Attorneys Who Give It To You Straight

When It Comes To Protecting Your Business, We Take These Matters Seriously

At Nilson Brand Law, we have built a reputation for being hardworking and honest. When it comes to business and real estate disputes, there isn’t much wiggle room for error. These problems must be handled correctly and quickly. Having a skilled lawyer by your side is the best way to represent your interests. We will do everything we can to make sure we reach a result you can be satisfied with.

Civil Litigation

In everyone’s life, there are times where you believe that someone has damaged your property or cost you money. Many people wonder if they should start a legal case. Our attorneys will listen to your story and help you decide whether you need to head to court.

Contract Disputes

Contracts are entered into every day. It can be simple as a handshake or a 100-page document. When your agreement has been broken, we can help you determine what legal rights you have and what steps to take to enforce your agreement or recover monetary damages. We have represented both businesses and individuals at trial in contractual disputes.

Partnership And Corporate Disputes

The business relationships that bind people can fall apart and leave you wondering what options you have. We have represented individuals in disputes involving partnerships, corporations, and LLCs. Let us guide you through the process of determining what you should do next.

Land And Property Disputes

Land has a special meaning for people. Regardless of your issue, we can help with partition actions, quiet title claims, property line disputes, and rental agreement challenges. We understand how important your land is to you and will work to enforce your rights.


Our attorneys have assisted individuals and businesses collect money they are owed. We have helped our clients obtain judgments and then collect on those judgments. If someone owes you money, we will steer through the legal maze to recover the money you are owed.

Why Choose Nilson Brand Law

Disputes with your business partner are frustrating. You’re stuck operating in a system you might not know much about. Does it even make sense to take legal action? Our attorneys work hard to help you understand your case in plain language and help you determine your next step, whether that’s into the courtroom or not. Call 701-864-3417 or fill out our contact form today.