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Photo of the attorneys at Nilson Brand Law.

Attorneys Who Give It To You Straight

Attorney Cassie Tostenson headshot

Cassie J. Tostenson

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Cassie Tostenson excels at conducting legal research. Cassie's clients often describe her as "knowledgeable, prepared and professional." Cassie is a wife, mother, and native of Bismarck, North Dakota.

Estate Planning:

Cassie knows that most of her clients want to know that they are prepared for death or incapacitation but recognizes that clients aren't always sure how to go about accomplishing that goal. Cassie helps the client gather all necessary information and then collaborates with families to formulate a plan to meet the client's objective. She loves working with families to come up with unique solutions tailored specifically to each family.


Cassie walks families through the sometimes complicated and painful process of probate which is often required after the loss of a loved one. Cassie explains the process in an understandable and relatable way. Cassie does everything she can to make the probate process easy and pain free so you can focus on your healing.

Political Subdivisions and Boards:

Cassie also works with a variety of political subdivisions, handling municipal and water issues as well as working for cooperative associations. Cassie helps councils and boards understand their roles and the critical importance ethical leadership has in a successful operation. Cassie knows that, to a large extent, she is representing the subdivision or board to the public and her client's often report that her preparedness and professionalism are unmatched.

Practice Areas

  • Estate Planning
  • Probate
  • Political Subdivisions and Boards


  • Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, California
    • J.D.
    • Honors: Certificate in Public Interest Law
    • Honors: Pro bono work for East San Jose Law Clinic
  • University of North Dakota
    • Honors: Golden Key National Honor Society
    • Honors: Delta Gamma Scholarship Award
    • Major: Political Science

Fraternities or Sororities

  • Delta Gamma

Bar Admissions

  • Minnesota
  • North Dakota
  • U.S. District Court District of North Dakota

Pro-Bono Activities

  • East San Jose Law Clinic

Professional Associations

  • Minnesota State Bar Association
  • State Bar Association of North Dakota
  • Randy H. Lee Inns of Court, Member
  • North Dakota Municipal Attorneys Association
  • North Dakota Council of School Attorneys


  • Public Interest Law Certificate from Santa Clara University

Past Positions

  • Sawl and Netzer, Associate
  • Thomson Reuters, Eagan, MN, Attorney