A statistician named Nathan Yau was curious about whether or not occupation could be used as a predictor of divorce, so he decided to look at the U.S. Census data from 2015 to see what he could determine. What were the results? Well, if you’re married to a casino...

To You Straight
Family Law
Is your spouse trying to hide assets during your divorce?
Dividing assets after divorce is something many couples struggle to do on their own. As a result, they have to report their assets to the court, and then the court determines the proper way to split up those assets. However, some spouses decide that they don’t want to...
Mediation could help you settle your divorce more efficiently
If you are about to divorce, you are probably dreading the thought of going to court. As you know, it can take a lot of time and money to settle a divorce through litigation. What you might not know is that there is an easier way. Mediation is an alternative form of...
What happens to the family business in divorce?
Even if a divorce is the best solution for your future, you will still likely face several complex negotiations. Discussions involving your children, property division and support issues can lead to heated debates and multi-tiered negotiations. When your property...
Co-Parenting in a COVID-19 World
Co-Parenting in COVID-19 Don’t have time to read a full blog? Here’s a Cheat Sheet: 1) When in doubt: Follow the Judgment! If you do not follow the judgment be prepared to defend yourself and explain why you didn’t follow your judgment in a court of law later. Call an...
Nonparent Custody Act
It Takes a Village North Dakota has taken steps which allow third parties (a/k/a “nonparents”) to obtain custody of a child through N.D.C.C. § 14-09.4-03. This means a child’s “village” (typically a grandparent, aunt, uncle, neighbor, etc.) can step in and provide...
Experienced Legal Guidance for Gestational Carrier Agreements
A gestational carrier agreement, also known as gestational surrogacy agreement, is an agreement where a woman agrees to carry a child for another person, known as the “intended” parent or parents. A gestational surrogacy agreement differs from a traditional surrogacy...