Not everyone is happy about getting divorced. Sometimes that is because they are a difficult person, other times it is because they are scared. If your spouse is unhappy, they could make divorcing and co-parenting difficult. You could, of course, choose to react in...
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Family Law
I’m getting divorced: Will I lose my farm?
It’s no secret that nearly 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Every day, people from all walks of life face the decision of whether or not to divorce their spouse. Going through the process is difficult for anyone, but for a farmer, the process can be quite...
How can you work better with your co-parent?
Working with your co-parent to ensure the children have everything they need is important. Unfortunately, not all parents are able to work as a team when they don’t agree on things. Being able to make decisions through negotiations can help you focus on the...
5 reasons why people get divorced
You may know a few people who get happily married only to divorce shortly after. It is quite a common occurrence that may have you wondering: “What causes people to divorce? Why do people separate so early? And am I likely to get a divorce like others?” Here are five...
What happens when co-parents disagree about vaccinations?
While vaccine debates have become especially vitriolic over the past year or so, some people have been strongly against having their children vaccinated for a range of diseases for many years. So what happens when parents with differing views on childhood vaccines...
When is “standard of living” considered in awarding alimony?
One of the most difficult parts of divorce for some people isn’t losing their spouse. They may be relieved and happy to have them out of their lives – or at least no longer an everyday presence. It’s losing the lifestyle or “standard of living” they had during the...
How can a prenuptial agreement help you?
You and your partner want to get married, and you’re excited to be together and to start a family. You have a small problem, though, in that you have much more in terms of assets than they do. As a result, you do want to protect yourself and make sure that you don’t...
Two parenting plan provisions you may not have considered
There’s a lot to consider when you negotiate your parenting plan with your co-parent during your divorce. While scheduling, education, and religious training are all important, sometimes co-parents end up in serious conflicts over things they didn’t consider important...
Could your career impact your chance at getting custody?
There are many different careers that parents hold in today’s world. Some allow them to be home with their children and work remotely. Others have them on unusual schedules and require them to have babysitters or nannies ready to take over their children’s care if...
3 factors that influence custody decisions in North Dakota
Parents don't always stay together until the children that they share become adults. Unmarried parents break up, and married couples get divorced. Typically, these couples will then have to share custody following their divorce. Parents who decide to separate have the...