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How divorce with children is different

On Behalf of | Jan 8, 2025 | Family Law

Divorce cases are not always the same because they each have unique circumstances. However, some experiences can be almost similar for divorcing couples, a good example being divorce cases involving children.

Divorcing parents have a different experience from spouses going through a divorce without kids. Here is why:

The divorce process has additional steps

Divorce cases with children have more steps than those without kids. In addition to dealing with property division and spousal support, divorcing parents deal with child custody and child support. They need to agree on custody and develop a parenting plan. And if they can’t do so by themselves, the court will consider what’s in the child’s best interest and give orders.

Determining what’s in the child’s best interest may result in other steps. The court may order mediation to help the parents agree, assess evidence submitted by the parents showing why they are fit to have custody, appoint an investigator to interview the parents and child and so forth.

The divorce can be more emotional

Divorce with children is generally more emotional. Typically, when parents are getting a divorce, the child experiences guilt, anger, anxiety, confusion, shame, and grief. The child may also isolate themselves, perform poorly academically or have behavioral issues. Thus, the parents need to find ways to support their child while managing their own emotions.

Further, parents telling their children they are getting a divorce can be an emotional experience. It can be challenging watching a child experience different emotions upon learning that their life and family dynamic are about to change.  

Going through a divorce with a child has an additional layer of legal and emotional considerations. If you are a parent about to go through a divorce, learn more about your case to protect your child and parental rights.