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Social media can negatively impact divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 11, 2024 | Family Law

Facebook, X, and other social media platforms are excellent ways to stay in touch with family and friends. In just a few seconds, you can share pictures of your new baby, tell folks about your child’s accomplishments, and stroll down memory lane with your school buddies. 

When you share information on social media, you give people who care about you a little glimpse into your life. However, you must be careful not to overshare, especially when dealing with an unfortunate circumstance like divorce. The temptation to vent your frustrations may be strong, but they can be detrimental to your case.

Tips for social media users during a divorce

Perhaps the best advice regarding social media posts when you are going through a divorce is don’t post. Feeling emotional makes it easy to say something that could hurt your case. Your ex and their advisors may search your social media, looking for ways to defame you. You don’t want to give them any fuel for the fire.

If you want to remain on social media during this time, decide to avoid posting anything negative. Going a step further, don’t post about the divorce at all. Taking the high road is always the right choice.

If you haven’t already done so, change your privacy settings and block your ex and their family and friends from seeing your posts. This will curb the temptation to get into an open airing of grievances between you and them.

What if you do post something questionable?

You may find yourself posting something negative about your ex in a moment of anger. If this happens, take a deep breath and remember that you’re human. Then, delete the post. Although someone may have spotted it, removing the post will prevent further damage.

Divorce is difficult and painful, so don’t try to go it alone. Seek guidance to help you navigate the case.