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Photo of the attorneys at Nilson Brand Law.

Attorneys Who Give It To You Straight

Year: 2022

You get to keep your pet if you get divorced?

If you bought your pet before you got married, that pet likely gets to stay with you after a divorce. It is not a marital asset, but a separate asset that you brought to the marriage. Your spouse had nothing to do with the purchase and has no ownership rights....

Essential reasons to draft a will

Drafting a will is arguably one of the most important things a person can do. However, some studies suggest that over half of American adults have not done so. There are numerous reasons why individuals may be hesitant about developing an estate plan. Outlined below...

Advantages of mediation in a business dispute

Business disputes are going to happen. Maybe you’ll get in a dispute with your business partner. Perhaps you are a contractor who hires subcontractors, and disputes could arise with one of them. You could also have a dispute with a different business owner, perhaps...

A DUI conviction can hurt your career in a number of ways

It usually starts with, “Trust me, officer, I am fine. I only had a glass of wine over dinner. I am definitely not drunk.” However, as far as the law is concerned, you are not fine. There is a pretty good chance your blood alcohol content (BAC) level exceeds the legal...

Is your custody agreement set in stone?

You and your former spouse have recently divorced and it’s time to get on with the co-parenting relationship. The court has signed off on a custody arrangement that works in the best interests of the child. Frequently, co-parents are able to make a success out of the...

Are sobriety checkpoints legal in North Dakota?

There are several ways that police officers might encounter someone who is under the influence on the roads. Police officers monitoring traffic may notice erratic driving and conduct a one-on-one traffic stop to evaluate someone for signs of alcohol impairment. Police...

What is constructive possession?

With housing costs spiraling, you can’t afford to be picky about your roommates – so you turned a blind eye to some of their more questionable activities. You suspected that they were dealing drugs, but you figured you had “plausible deniability” as long as you didn’t...