When people think of someone getting a DUI, they often think about someone in a car getting pulled over on the side of the road. But there are so many more interesting ways someone can get charged with a DUI. Let’s start with what the actual law in North Dakota says....

To You Straight
Year: 2020
Removing a Personal Representative in North Dakota
The death of a loved one is a painful event which brings about a great deal of uncertainty. Along with this uncertainty, past disagreements or family history can erupt among family members on how to handle the deceased loved one’s property and estate. When a loved...
Navigating the COVID-19 Regulation Maze for Business Reopening
Many businesses in North Dakota and Minnesota have either reopened or are in the process of reopening. These same businesses need to be aware of the regulations and best practices for reopening their business to protect themselves, their employees, and the public at...
Has COVID-19 Infringed on Your Right to a Speedy Trial?
Courthouse work is at a halt The COVID-19 pandemic has essentially put all work in the courthouse to a halt for the time being. Hearings are suspended in some locations indefinitely. But what about your constitutionally guaranteed right to a speedy trial; is that on...
Co-Parenting in a COVID-19 World
Co-Parenting in COVID-19 Don’t have time to read a full blog? Here’s a Cheat Sheet: 1) When in doubt: Follow the Judgment! If you do not follow the judgment be prepared to defend yourself and explain why you didn’t follow your judgment in a court of law later. Call an...
Planning for Our Pets
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 49% of U.S. households included at least one pet. In 2018, the American Pet Products Organization reported those same households spent over $72 billion dollars on our pets. There is evidence suggesting that attachment to pets is...
Nonparent Custody Act
It Takes a Village North Dakota has taken steps which allow third parties (a/k/a “nonparents”) to obtain custody of a child through N.D.C.C. § 14-09.4-03. This means a child’s “village” (typically a grandparent, aunt, uncle, neighbor, etc.) can step in and provide...
Business as usual
The last two weeks seem to have turned the world on its head and has affected almost all areas of life, including work. Many individuals are working from home for the first time. At Nilson Brand Law, we decided approximately two weeks ago to limit in-office...
Distribution of Marijuana Still a Very Serious Crime in North Dakota
A Very Serious Crime While marijuana laws in North Dakota and around the country have become more relaxed, there are still some very serious implications if you are alleged to have illegally distributed marijuana. Distribution of Marijuana is considered a Class B...
Experienced Legal Guidance for Gestational Carrier Agreements
A gestational carrier agreement, also known as gestational surrogacy agreement, is an agreement where a woman agrees to carry a child for another person, known as the “intended” parent or parents. A gestational surrogacy agreement differs from a traditional surrogacy...